Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I can’t even fathom that I’m old enough to have a seven year old, but the truth is, I am and he is. Yikes. It only seemed fair that Colby not have a big party, since Houston didn’t. So when I asked him what he wanted to do for his birthday, he said he wanted to go to camp (as he has done every day this summer and he loves it = one happy momma) and for me to pick him and his best buddy G up and take them to the pool after camp. Done. I can handle that. So that’s what we did.  We had cookie cake and pizza delivered to the pool, we stayed so long that we were the last ones there, that night the boys were worn out. His birthday celebration continued as we went to the lake Saturday to celebrate the belated Independence Day with Mimi & Kiki and Wade, Kelli and the girls. Aunt Kayla even came all the way from T-town. We enjoyed the wonderful firework show by boat and stayed the night and played again the next day.

Seven reasons I love this boy:
1. I love to hear him talk about how big and strong God is, it warms my heart to know he's getting closer to knowing Him!
2.  He's a wonderful baseball player, an amazing season of watching him play, lots of victories!  (cool side note, Colby also plays flag football where you have to be drafter,there were 105 boys who play, Colby was ranked 12th :) proud)
3.  He treats people that are "special" no different than anyone else and really makes a point to include them in activities.
4. He's nice and helpful to his brother (sometimes).
5. He secretly hugs me when no one is looking.
6.  His creativity is wonderful, he's a great little artist.
7. He's pretty darn handsome.

(could have sworn I posted this the day after his b'day, but there it sat in my drafts...backdating, lol)