Wednesday, August 25, 2010

August Birthdays

(Oops I forgot to blog about mommy & daddy's milestones, so I'll back date this one to August) We're getting older....into our 30's for sure now.


And of course I share this wonderful day in August with my dearest friend Emily, my leo gal with the same birthday, birthyear and birthroom number! A fun night and a great place with a great view... Handsome hubby turned 34 just 10 days later! We celebrated Danny's big day at one of his favorite spots PF Changs. We also had dual celbration with the family over a pot of Gumbo by Chef Big Danny a good time was had by all!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


So long expensive day care that we love! (but will appreciate the mortgage payment that we will hopefully save)
Yep, the time has come to throw my firstborn to the wolves, I mean to start a new adventure. So long day care...hello real school. School buses and all. There are mixed emotions with this new adventure. Different routines, earlier rising, a new world out there...but here we come...scared, excited, hopeful.
Ready or not kindergarten, here we come!